Where corporate wellbeing goes wrong

We recently had a client say ‘we don’t want people to feel like wellbeing is being done to them’.

We totally agree. It is human nature to need to feel choice and control about what we do. We just forget this when we plan Wellbeing Strategies and create a blanket approach.

By doing so we make some assumptions, 1. That everyone needs the same thing, if anything; 2. That everyone wants or is ready to change; 3. That everyone has the same motivations to change.

When we don’t support individual wellbeing needs:

  • We can’t offer support that will make change possible, and thus we can’t reap the rewards of a healthy workforce.
  • We might waste time and money delivering wellbeing activities that might have very little impact.
  • We run the risk of making staff feel like they aren’t listened to.
  • We could bombard people with the wrong messages and eventually they stop listening.

Our Approach

In our approach we can support employees on the basis that,

  • Each person might have a different health or wellbeing goal
  • Each person might be at a different point on the path of behaviour change
  • Each person has different levels of experience or knowledge

We discover who your people are and map out the services that will support their needs through our Surveys and Insights service.

We have targeted programmes to support different health goals, which people can work through under their own steam, with our support. Our health psychologists and coaches ensure that the communication is perfect to motivate, empower and support no matter where someone is starting on their wellbeing journey.

If you would like to find out more about how to offer personalised wellbeing at your company simply complete the form below. Our solutions are more affordable than you’d expect in offering this individualised programme.